Subject and forestalling. To the question of phenomenon of television

Dmitriy Yu. Shat­alov-Davy­dov
Lobachevsky State Uni­ver­si­ty of Nizh­ni Nov­gorod

Sub­ject and fore­stalling. To the ques­tion of phe­nom­e­non of tele­vi­sion

Abstract. The arti­cle focus­es on the inter­pre­ta­tion of phe­nom­e­non of tele­vi­sion, giv­en in prof. Anton N. Fortunatov’s book “Ego-media. Social-philo­soph­i­cal Touch­es to the His­to­ry of Tele­vi­sion”, and in par­tic­u­lar on the idea of fore­stalling as an abil­i­ty of an object to be recon­struct­ed with the help of tech­ni­cal means as an object of real­i­ty antic­i­pat­ed by human visu­al per­cep­tion. On the basis of the ideas of Pierre Bour­dieu, Patrick Cham­pagne and Slavoj Žižek, the author sug­gests three sit­u­a­tions and three mod­els of fore­stalling: (1) fore­stalling of the jour­nal­ist who cre­ates the report (con­struc­tion of qua­si-real­i­ty on the basis of media), (2) “real­i­ty in move­ment” or a sto­ry about the event as it is from dif­fer­ent view­points of the par­tic­i­pants (when fore­stalling has to coin­cide with view­ers’ expec­ta­tions), (3) fore­stalling of view­ers who enable to “speak from their name”, shift­ing their knowl­edge and emo­tions to the things they are expect­ing to watch (inter­pas­siv­i­ty). The paper con­cludes about fore­stalling as a cat­e­go­ry which installs the link between tech­ni­cal means, (quasi)reality and the sub­ject who is fore­stalling.

Key­words: fore­stalling, social con­struc­tion, qua­si-real­i­ty, inter­pas­siv­i­ty.



The report­ed study was fund­ed by RFBR accord­ing to the research project No. 18–011-00335.


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