The journal publishes materials that have not been previously published and are not intended for simultaneous publication elsewhere.
By submitting an article, the author warrants that the material is original and that this material will not be submitted for publication to other scientific journals (to third parties).
Articles should be sent to the editorial office
by e-mail:
Publication languages: Russian and English.
Manuscripts submitted for consideration to the editorial office should be prepared in accordance with the manuscript preparation uidelines. Articles that do not follow the requirements of the guidelines will not be accepted or reviewed.
The author is responsible for the accuracy of citation, bibliography, transcription of names and titles. If the manuscript meets the required criteria, it will be checked for plagiarized material. In the case of such material being discovered, and also in the case of the material being published previously, the manuscript will be rejected and the author(s) will be informed of the decision.
If the manuscript meets all of the above criteria it will be forwarded to two reviewers within two weeks of submission.
The editorial office organizes the reviewing process (blind peer review). All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of the reviewed materials.
The review process takes up to 2 months, and for articles in a foreign language – up to 3 months.
When reviewing, the focus will be on the following issues:
- Relevance of the article and the level of its research novelty
- The use of scholarly sources on the subject and the correctness of citing references
- The use of modern methods of research by the author
- Correctness of discussion of research issues
- The degree of the article’s readiness for publication in terms of language and style
The journal does not charge authors for publication of their materials. No fees are paid to authors.
The editorial office will not engage in a discussion of the merits and shortcomings of articles and other correspondence concerning the submitted materials (both accepted and not accepted for publication).
In the case of a negative review, the editorial office may suggest the author to improve the article according to remarks of reviewers. Modified version is subject for secondary reviewing.
Submitted materials are transferred to the editorial archive and will not be returned to the author. The originals of the reviews are kept at the editorial office of the journal for five years.
Upon acceptance of the manuscript, a standard agreement is signed between the author and the journal.
Prepare your paper for submission
An article’s recommended size is from 4000 to 7000 words. Book and other thematic reviews are invited. The standard size of a review is about 3000–5000 words.
Margins Left/Right and Top/Bottom 2 cm. A 14-point Times Roman font, 1.5 line spacing. First line indent 1.25 cm. Alignment justified. Do not include automatic hyphenation and page numbers in your submission.
One submission should consist of two files
One file should contain the author information, title, abstract and key words.
Another file must contain the title and the text. It must be devoid of personal data and prepared for the blind peer review.
! Since all the manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to double-blind peer review, the identities of both reviewers and authors are concealed from each other throughout the review. To facilitate this, authors must ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in such a way that they do not reveal their identities to reviewers, either directly or indirectly.
Please remove any identifying information, such as authors’ names or affiliations, from your manuscript before submission.
Use the third person to refer to work the authors have previously published. For example, write ‘Black and Hart (2015) have demonstrated’ rather than ‘we/the authors have previously demonstrated (Black & Hart, 2015)’.
Further details can be also found here.
Further Guidelines
The author information must include Name, Last Name, the author’s academic degree (if any) and institutional affiliation (with full mailing address: institution/place of work, address, city, ZIP/postal code, country), the author’s e-mail.
Concise and informative.
Some tips on titles:
- Be as descriptive as possible and use specific rather than general terms
- Use simple word order and common word combinations
- Avoid using abbreviations; they could have different meanings in different fields
- Write scientific names in full
The abstract should reveal the crucial information about the article which would allow the reader to understand the subfield in which the author’s research is carried out, the main objectives of the research (the problem addressed, the relevance of this problem for the subfield, the contribution proposed by the author), the proposed solution, the proposed method of reaching the solution, the order in which the presented argument develops.
The suggested length of the abstract is between 200–300 words. Abstracts should not exceed 350 words.
Some tips on writing abstracts:
- As in the title, use simple word order and common word combinations
- Minimize the use of abbreviations
- Avoid citing references
The list of key words (up to 10) should reflect the core information relevant for the content of the article.
Please, use notes on the page they appear in the text.
References inside the text. We prefer the references to be of the following style: [author’s last name, year: section or page(s)]. Examples:
[Geach, 1967], [Pross, 2015, p. 28], [Cárdenas; Letelier; Gutierrez; Cornish-Bowden; Soto-Andrade, 2010], [Ibid., p. 17], [Cheshire, 2013, web].
The list of references must follow the manuscript.
Guidelines for the list of References:
Journal articles. Examples:
Quine W. On What There Is. The Review of Metaphysics, 1948, Vol. 2, No. 5, P. 21–38.
Cárdenas M. Lu, Letelier J.-C., Gutierrez C., Cornish-Bowden A., Soto-Andrade J. Closure to efficient causation, computability and artificial life // Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2010. Vol. 263. No. 1. P. 79–92.
Books. Examples:
Parsons T. Events in the Semantics of English. A Study in Subatomic Semantics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994. 334 p.
Kamp H., Reyle U. From discourse to logic. Introduction to model-theoretic semantics of natural language, formal logic and discourse representation theory. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993. 713 p.
Translations of books
Negri A. The Savage Anomaly. The Power of Spinoza’s Metaphysics and Politics / Trans. by M. Hardt. Minneapolis (Minn.); Oxford: University of Minnesota Press, 1991. 280 p.
Book chapters (articles in collective volumes):
Davidson D. The Logical Form of Action Sentences. In: N. Resher (ed.) The Logic of Decision and Action. Pittsburg: Pittsburg University Press, 1967, pp. 81–95.
Electronic resources (URLs):
Graham B. What’s Wrong with the World, The Charlotte Observer, 1958 (September), Issue 28. Available at: (accessed 21.04.2017)
Guidelines for transliteration of the Russian sources in the additional list of references:
Please, use for transliteration. Please, note that the transliterated version of the title of the referenced source must be followed by an English translation of the title (see examples below).
Journal articles. Example:
Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. Techno-economic optimization of the design of hydraulic fracturing (Tekhnikoekonomicheskaya optimizatsiya dizaina gidrorazryva plasta). Neftyanoe khozyaistvo – Oil Industry, 2008, no.11, pp. 54–57.
Books. Example:
Kanevskaya R.D. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie gidrodinamicheskikh protsessov razrabotki mestorozhdenii uglevodorodov (Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic processes of hydrocarbon deposit development). Izhevsk, 2002. 140 p.
Book Chapter. Example:
Belkina G.L., Korsakov S.N. “I.T.Frolov i stanovleniye otetshe-stvennoy bioyyetiki” (“I.T.Frolov and the formation of the Russian Bioethics”). Bioetika i gumanitarnaya ekspertiza (Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise). Moscow, 2008, pp. 15–45.
Before submitting, ensure that the following items are present:
- Include keywords
- All figures (include relevant captions)
- All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
- Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
Further considerations
- Manuscript has been ‘spell checked’ and ‘grammar checked’
- All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa
- Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)
- A competing interests statement is provided
- Journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed
- Contact details provided, based on journal requirements.
- Acknowledgements (you are requested to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any)
EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English, December 2015):