Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Academic Editor.
Research Fellow, Department of Social Epistemology, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow); Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy at National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Russia).
Google Scholar
ResearcherID: J-7880–2017.
ORCID: 0000–0002-6403–8003.
Scopus Author ID: 57198783695.
h-index: 1 (Scopus), 1 (Web of Science)
Research interests: history of philosophy, history and philosophy of science, social epistemology, science and technology studies, science communication, Internet communication, social technologies.
Major publications
- Shibarshina, Svetlana, Maslanov, Evgeny, Science Communication in the Soviet Union: Science as Vocation and Profession (2019), Social Epistemology, published online 10 Dec 2019, doi: 10.1080/02691728.2019.1695012
- Universities as Social Background in “Trading Zone” Creation (2019), Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 49(6): 493–509, doi: 10.1177/0048393119863380
- Dolmatov Anton, Maslanov, Evgeniy, Ethical Dimension of Scientific Activity in M. Weber’s Speech (2019), Voprosy Filosofii 8: 15–18. (In Russian), doi: 10.31857/S004287440006026-3
- Maslanov, Evgeniy, Dolmatov Anton, Citizen Science — Science as a Vocation (2019), Epistemologiya i filosofiya nauki-Epistemology & Philosophy of science 3(56): 40–44. (In Russian), doi: 10.5840/eps201956345
- Trading zones in scientific, religious, and political communities: A comparative analysis (2019), Sociologia nauki i tehnologij-Sociology of Science & Technology 3(10): 72–88. (In Russian), doi: 10.24411/2079–0910-2019–13004
- University of expertise – university after ruins (2019), The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab, 2(3): 63–75. (In Russian), doi: 10.5840/dspl20192338
- Digitalization and development of information and communication technology: New challenges or escalation of old problems? (2019), The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab, 2(1): 6–21. (In Russian), doi: 10.5840/dspl2019211
- Engineering: aspects of the object field construction (2018), Epistemologiya i filosofiya nauki-Epistemology & Philosophy of science 1(55): 43–47. (In Russian), doi: 10.5840/EPS20185516
- Constructing or researching? (2018), Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta-Filosofiya-Sotsiologiya-Politologiya/ Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science 42: 193–196. (In Russian), doi: 10.17223/1998863X/42/21
- Crowdsourcing in science: a new element of scientific infrastructure (2018), Filosofija nauki i tehniki / Philosophy of Science and Technology 1(23): 141–155. (In Russian), doi: 10.21146/2413–9084-2018–23-1–141-155
- Habitus – meaning – trading zone (pp. 149–153); Artifact: Culture and nature (pp. 295–299), in: ‘Epistemology Today. Ideas, Problems, Discussions’, monograph (2018) / ed. by I.T. Kasavin, N.N. Voronina. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University Press. (In Russian)
- Crowdsourcing as an Element of Expertise (2018), The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab 1(1): 83–95. (In Russian), doi: 10.5840/dspl2018115
- Maslanov et al, Communications in Science: Epistemological, Socio-cultural and Infrastructural Aspects. Materials of the Round Table (2017), Voprosy Filosofii 11: 23–57. (In Russian)
- Maslanov et al, Crowdsourcing projects: A space of interaction between society and the government (2016), Vlast (The Authority): 4(24): 29–34. (In Russian)
Conferences and other academic events
The Second All-Russian (with an international participation) Scientific Conference “Revolution and Evolution: Models of Change in Science, Culture and Society” (29 November – 1 December 2019, Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Paper ‘To the question of external trading zones in various communities’ (In Russian).
International Scientific and Cultural Forum “Days of Philosophy in St. Petersburg” (21–23 November 2019, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia). Paper ‘The concept of “trading zone” in science: A historical and epistemological perspective’ (In Russian, coauthored by Svetlana Shibarshina).
International academic conference “Human world: Normative dimension – 6. Norms of thinking, perceptions, behavior: Similarity, difference, relationship (27–29 June 2019, Saratov State Law Academy, Russia). Paper ‘Citizen science: The space of coordination of the norms of different social groups’ (In Russian).
All-Russian conference “Practical Philosophy: From Classics to Information Society” (27–28 September 2018, Astrakhan State University, Russia). Paper ‘Communication platforms on the Internet: the specifics of interaction (social aspect)’ (In Russian).
The First Open Congress of Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science (RSHPS) “History and Philosophy of Science in the Time of Change” (14–16 September 2018, Moscow State University, Russia). Paper ‘Is entrepreneurial university possible under state-planned economy: Stanford University (USA) vs Gorky State University (USSR)’ (In Russian).
Seventh International Conference on Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: The Evolution of Knowledge (7 July 2018, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany). Paper ‘The Society “Znanie” (Knowledge) in the Soviet Union: Constructing “Science-and-Society” Trading Zones’ (In English, coauthored by Svetlana Shibarshina)
8th international sociological conference “Sociologist 2.0: Transformation of Profession” (18–19 April 2018, Financial University, Moscow, Russia). Paper ‘To the question of communication platform on the Internet as a trading zone’ (In Russian).
The First All-Russian (with an international participation) Scientific Conference “Revolution and Evolution: Development Models in Science, Culture and Society” (24–25 November 2017, Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Paper ‘Artefact and scientific world view’ (In Russian).
All-Russian academic conference “The Philosophy of Science and Technology in Russia: Challenges of Information Technology” (2–3 June 2017, Vologda State University, Russia). Paper ‘To the Question of Online Trading Zones’ (In Russian).
Fellowships, awards and honors
Senior Researcher, Grant of Russian Science Foundation “Non-Humboldt trading zones: an idea and project of the new infrastructure of science” (2018–2020)
Researcher, Grant of Russian Science Foundation ‘The Mission of the Scientist in the Modern World: Science as Profession and Vocation’ (2019–2021).
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research “Communication platforms in the Internet as “trading zone”: perspectives and limitations (Russian context)” (2018–2020)
Member of Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science.
Foreign languages: English.
Evgeny Maslanov received his PhD in Philosophy (candidate of science degree) from State Pedagogical University Kozma Minin University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Dissertation ‘The problem of the social ideal in the works by the early Slavophiles and K.N. Leontiev: A comparative analysis’ (the field: History of Philosophy).
Education: History (Faculty of History at Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Russia).