On universal rationality or What to do in case one would like to keep dogmas

Tatiana D. Sokolo­va
Insti­tute of Phi­los­o­phy, Russ­ian Acad­e­my of Sci­ences

On uni­ver­sal ratio­nal­i­ty or What to do in case one would like to keep dog­mas

Abstract. The arti­cle pro­pos­es to dis­cuss the con­cept of uni­ver­sal ratio­nal­i­ty. How is jus­ti­fied in con­tem­po­rary phi­los­o­phy the talk about uni­ver­sal ratio­nal­i­ty? More­over, if so, on what grounds? What should be the the­o­ry of uni­ver­sal ratio­nal­i­ty and what the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal means does the philoso­pher have if she wants to remain dog­mat­ic? In this paper I will try (1) to briefly describe the atti­tude of phi­los­o­phy to the def­i­n­i­tion of ratio­nal­i­ty in a his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive; (2) list the fun­da­men­tal the­o­ret­i­cal prob­lems asso­ci­at­ed with the attempts to define uni­ver­sal ratio­nal­i­ty; (3) derive the require­ments that the con­cept of uni­ver­sal ratio­nal­i­ty must sat­is­fy; (4) offer a the­o­ret­i­cal basis for its con­struc­tion; (5) and out­line tech­niques for their imple­men­ta­tion.

Ключевые слова: uni­ver­sal ratio­nal­i­ty, dog­ma­tism, inter­nal­ism, rel­a­tivism, his­tor­i­cal a pri­ori, func­tion­al a pri­ori

DOI: 10.5840/dspl20192333


Sup­port­ed by Russ­ian Foun­da­tion for Basic Research, project № 18–311-00282 “Ratio­nal­i­ty in the human­i­ties: the­o­ret­i­cal con­tra­dic­tions and dis­ci­pli­nary prac­tice”.


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